
Scrapping is good for the soul!

What a weekend! I was so ready to scrap this weekend because I was so sick all week and didn't even want to look at my scraproom! This hobby is awesome for therapy..when you are feeling down, when you are at your worst, all it takes it to look at pictures, touch some papers and go at it! Thanks for checking these out.
This layout was for a sketch challenge at ScrapDango and the Freaky Five Layout Challenge at ScrapFreak. The layout was about journaling as if the subject in the layout was talking. I did this one as if my daughter was talking about her brother.

For some reason, I was feeling the Christmas spirit so the next three layouts are of our holidays. I used some KI memories paper that I have had for about 2 years now.. yep..using up that stash!

This layout was from Sketches-R-Us. Thanks Cherie!

A 11 x 8.5 landscape one. I love this style!


Back from the dead...

WOW! I have been so sick this week with a serious head cold! UGH! Tylenol Severe Cold did nothing for me so I went to Sudafed and wala.. some relief! I am back to scrapping tonight so hopefully I will be able to upload some new goodies!
Here is the new Freaky Five Blog Challenge on ScrapFreak!

What was your first...1. concert? MC Hammer... Lord, seems like eons ago!
2. car? 1997 Nissan Altima
3. job? cashier at a seafood restuarant at 13!
4. scrapbook layout about? Pics of my ex hubby and I when we were young kids
5. grade teacher's name? Mrs. Thelma Helton..love that woman!
6. pet? a poodle
7. vacation as an adult? road trip to Michigan
8. boyfriend's name? Jay
9. living arrangement after moving out of your parents' home? an one bedroom apartment
10. scrapbook message board to be a member on? 2 Peas

Thanks for reading this!


New Year's Questions

These questions are from the Freaky Friday Blog Challenge on ScrapFreak. This is my first time doing this kind of stuff so bear with me!

1. Will you be looking for a new job? No, not planning on it. I love my job!
2. What will you do different in '08? Be happy over the little things. Spend more time with my kiddies. Enjoy life!
3. New Year's Resolution(s)? Nope.
4. Any trips planned? Umm.. going to a curriculum convention in New Orleans in March.. other than that, nothing that I know of.
5. Wedding plans? Nope.
6. Baby plans? OMG, no.
7. Major thing on your calendar? Nothing..isn't that sad??
8. What can't you wait for? I am looking forward to the summer. Even though I am still working, I have more time to scrap!
9. What would you like to see happen different? Nothing really unless you count managing my money better for this!
10. What about yourself will you be changing? My attitude towards life.. must learn to accept things I cannot change and appreciate everything! Also, I want to maintain my hair, makeup, everything about me that makes me feel great!
11. What happened in '07 that you didn’t think would ever happen? I purchased a brand new home all by myself! Thank you Jesus!
12. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? Yes for sure! My divorce has taught me to not take anyone for granted... be nice and genuine always!
13. Will you dress differently in '08 than you did in '07? Yes..try to keep my attire up and not just wear tshirts all of the time..
14. Will you better your relationship with your family? Yes.
15. Will you do volunteer work? Probably not.
16. Do you expect '08 to be a good year for you? Oh yes!
17. How much did you change from this time last year til now?I have matured quite a bit... I am learning that I can do this on my own... I have always been depending on someone else... but I am becoming self-sufficient!
18. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? For the most part, yes.
19. Major lifestyle changes? Living in a house now instead of an apartment...meaning higher mortgage! Trying to adjust to one income instead of two.
20. Will you be moving? No.. just got a 30 year mortgage!
21. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '08 that happened in '07? Excessive spending on fast food.umm... I can't think of anything else.

2008 is going to be a scrappy year!

Happy New Year! I am so excited for 2008.. just to begin a new year with my family and friends. I have some new creations that I have been working on..Although I set a monthly goal of 10 layouts for January, I am hoping to create something daily! I think it would be so cool to have 300+ layouts/projects completed by December! My first creation is my Year in the Life Challenge from Suzanne! This is an awesome year challenge that she has created and I love it. We get one word a week and have to create a card using that word... hopefully in 15 min or less! I am planning on putting all the cards on a ring and using them for a mini book! Thanks Suzanne!

I made this page for the Freaky Friday Layout Challenge at Scrapfreak! We had to cut the pattern paper to use the shapes/designs to make the layout pop! I had fun with this one!

The next 3 layouts are using some fantastic kits from ScrapDango! Carrie makes some great kits and I had a great time playing with them! This one features my daughter's Dora doll making some music with my son's guitar! This was made for a cybercrop challenge this weekend at Scrapbook Doodle featuring an object and a sketch challenge on Feeling Scrappy!

This layout was created for another challenge on the cybercrop at Scrapbook Doodle! We had to use at least 10 different alphas on a layout! FUN!

Thanks for looking!