
Back from the dead...

WOW! I have been so sick this week with a serious head cold! UGH! Tylenol Severe Cold did nothing for me so I went to Sudafed and wala.. some relief! I am back to scrapping tonight so hopefully I will be able to upload some new goodies!
Here is the new Freaky Five Blog Challenge on ScrapFreak!

What was your first...1. concert? MC Hammer... Lord, seems like eons ago!
2. car? 1997 Nissan Altima
3. job? cashier at a seafood restuarant at 13!
4. scrapbook layout about? Pics of my ex hubby and I when we were young kids
5. grade teacher's name? Mrs. Thelma Helton..love that woman!
6. pet? a poodle
7. vacation as an adult? road trip to Michigan
8. boyfriend's name? Jay
9. living arrangement after moving out of your parents' home? an one bedroom apartment
10. scrapbook message board to be a member on? 2 Peas

Thanks for reading this!


Lisa said...

Fun answers. I also worked at a seafood restaurant - P.U. Smelly place to work! ;)

Suzanne said...

I LOVE MC Hammer!!!

Stacey said...

Fun Q&A. Hope you are feeling better. :) I left you some love over on my blog!!